Piątek, 26 Kwietnia 2024   imieniny: Maria, Marcelina, Marzena
Rejestracja Witaj: Gościu, Zaloguj się


Chelmno Death Camp was the most depressing death camps of the six death camps of Poland. About 300,000 Jews were killed here. It must be remembered that although Poles, gypsies and homosexuals were killed these were not the main quarry. The Poles who were killed were the Intelligensia and not the average working class Poles who were treated very well by the Germans. They even cooperated with the Germans, in most cases except a few , betraying their Jewish neighbours to the Germans. In this way they were even allowed to occupy the houses of the neighbours they betrayed who were sent to the Death camps as a result.The gypsies were undesirable and unwanted the same way the physically handicapped and homosexuals were unwanted. The point is that Hitler did not search the world for the physically handicapped , nor did he search the world for gypsies or homosexuals . He wanted to eliminate them from Germany but not from the world. What made the Jews different is that Hitler searched the whole world for THEM in the hope of eliminating them from the world altogether . This is why the Jews ARE INDEED A SPECIAL CASE. THEY WERE SINGLED OUT TO BE TOTALLY ERADICATED FROM THE FACE OF THE WORLD !!!! This is unprecedented in History, therefore the Holocaust is indeed not just a special case but a very very very very special case.


Data pliku video: 2014-10-29, Źródło artykułu:
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